Source code for APS_BlueSky_tools.utils

Various utilities

.. autosummary::


from collections import OrderedDict
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import logging
import math
import os
import pandas
import pyRestTable
import smtplib
import subprocess
import time

HOME_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def text_encode(source): """encode ``source`` using the default codepoint""" return source.encode(errors='ignore')
[docs]def unix_cmd(command_list): """run a UNIX command, returns (stdout, stderr)""" process = subprocess.Popen(command_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() return stdout, stderr
[docs]def to_unicode_or_bust(obj, encoding='utf-8'): """from:""" if isinstance(obj, str): if not isinstance(obj, str): obj = str(obj, encoding) return obj
[docs]def connect_pvlist(pvlist, wait=True, timeout=2, poll_interval=0.1): """ given a list of EPICS PV names, return a dictionary of EpicsSignal objects PARAMETERS pvlist : list(str) list of EPICS PV names wait : bool should wait for EpicsSignal objects to connect, default: True timeout : float maximum time to wait for PV connections, seconds, default: 2.0 poll_interval : float time to sleep between checks for PV connections, seconds, default: 0.1 """ from ophyd import EpicsSignal obj_dict = OrderedDict() for item in pvlist: if len(item.strip()) == 0: continue pvname = item.strip() oname = "signal_{}".format(len(obj_dict)) obj = EpicsSignal(pvname, name=oname) obj_dict[oname] = obj if wait: times_up = time.time() + min(0, timeout) poll_interval = min(0.01, poll_interval) waiting = True while waiting and time.time() < times_up: time.sleep(poll_interval) waiting = False in [o.connected for o in obj_dict.values()] if waiting: n = OrderedDict() for k, v in obj_dict.items(): if v.connected: n[k] = v else: print(f"Could not connect {v.pvname}") if len(n) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not connect any PVs in the list") obj_dict = n return obj_dict
[docs]class EmailNotifications(object): """ send email notifications when requested use default OS mail utility (so no credentials needed) """ def __init__(self, sender=None): self.addresses = [] self.notify_on_feedback = True self.sender = sender or "nobody@localhost" self.smtp_host = "localhost" def add_addresses(self, *args): for address in args: self.addresses.append(address)
[docs] def send(self, subject, message): """send ``message`` to all addresses""" msg = MIMEText(message) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = self.sender msg['To'] = ",".join(self.addresses) s = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_host) s.sendmail(self.sender, self.addresses, msg.as_string()) s.quit()
[docs]class ExcelDatabaseFileBase(object): """ base class: read-only support for Excel files, treat them like databases EXAMPLE Show how to read an Excel file where one of the columns contains a unique key. This allows for random access to each row of data by use of the *key*. :: class ExhibitorsDB(ExcelDatabaseFileBase): ''' content for Exhibitors, vendors, and Sponsors from the Excel file ''' EXCEL_FILE = os.path.join("resources", "exhibitors.xlsx") LABELS_ROW = 2 def handle_single_entry(self, entry): '''any special handling for a row from the Excel file''' pass def handleExcelRowEntry(self, entry): '''identify the unique key for this entry (row of the Excel file)''' key = entry["Name"] self.db[key] = entry """ EXCEL_FILE = None # subclass MUST define # EXCEL_FILE = os.path.join("abstracts", "index of abstracts.xlsx") LABELS_ROW = 3 # labels are on line LABELS_ROW+1 in the Excel file def __init__(self): self.db = OrderedDict() self.data_labels = None if self.EXCEL_FILE is None: raise ValueError("subclass must define EXCEL_FILE") self.fname = os.path.join(HOME_PATH, self.EXCEL_FILE) self.parse() def handle_single_entry(self, entry): # subclass MUST override raise NotImplementedError("subclass must override handle_single_entry() method") def handleExcelRowEntry(self, entry): # subclass MUST override raise NotImplementedError("subclass must override handleExcelRowEntry() method") def parse(self, labels_row_num=None, data_start_row_num=None): labels_row_num = labels_row_num or self.LABELS_ROW xl = pandas.read_excel(self.fname, sheet_name=0, header=None) self.data_labels = list(xl.iloc[labels_row_num,:]) data_start_row_num = data_start_row_num or labels_row_num+1 grid = xl.iloc[data_start_row_num:,:] # grid is a pandas DataFrame # #[:,1]) for row_number, _ignored in enumerate(grid.iloc[:,0]): row_data = grid.iloc[row_number,:] entry = {} for _col, label in enumerate(self.data_labels): entry[label] = self._getExcelColumnValue(row_data, _col) self.handle_single_entry(entry) self.handleExcelRowEntry(entry) def _getExcelColumnValue(self, row_data, col): v = row_data.values[col] if self._isExcel_nan(v): v = None else: v = to_unicode_or_bust(v) if isinstance(v, str): v = v.strip() return v def _isExcel_nan(self, value): if not isinstance(value, float): return False return math.isnan(value)
[docs]class ExcelDatabaseFileGeneric(ExcelDatabaseFileBase): """ Generic (read-only) handling of Excel spreadsheet-as-database Table labels are given on Excel row ``N``, ``self.labels_row = N-1`` """ def __init__(self, filename, labels_row=3): self._index_ = 0 self.EXCEL_FILE = self.EXCEL_FILE or filename self.LABELS_ROW = labels_row ExcelDatabaseFileBase.__init__(self) def handle_single_entry(self, entry): pass
[docs] def handleExcelRowEntry(self, entry): """use row number as the unique key""" key = str(self._index_) self.db[key] = entry self._index_ += 1
[docs]def ipython_profile_name(): """ return the name of the current ipython profile or `None` Example (add to default RunEngine metadata)::['ipython_profile'] = str(ipython_profile_name()) print("using profile: " +['ipython_profile']) """ from IPython import get_ipython return get_ipython().profile