
Take a snapshot of a list of EPICS PVs and record it in the databroker. Retrieve (and display) that snapshot later using APS_BlueSky_tools.callbacks.SnapshotReport.

Example - command line

Before using the command-line interface, find out what the bluesky_snapshot expects:

$ bluesky_snapshot -h
usage: bluesky_snapshot [-h] [-b BROKER_CONFIG] [-m METADATA]
                        EPICS_PV [EPICS_PV ...]

record a snapshot of some PVs using Bluesky, ophyd, and databroker

positional arguments:
  EPICS_PV          EPICS PV name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -b BROKER_CONFIG  YAML configuration for databroker
  -m METADATA       additional metadata, enclose in quotes, such as -m
                    "purpose=just tuned, situation=routine"

The help does not tell you that the default for BROKER_CONFIG is “mongodb_config”, a YAML file in one of the default locations where the databroker expects to find it. That’s what we have.

We want to snapshot just a couple PVs to show basic use. Here are their current values:

$ caget otz:IOC_CPU_LOAD otz:SYS_CPU_LOAD
otz:IOC_CPU_LOAD               0.100096
otz:SYS_CPU_LOAD               8.25789

Here’s the snapshot (we’ll also set a metadata that says this is an example):

$ bluesky_snapshot otz:IOC_CPU_LOAD otz:SYS_CPU_LOAD -m "purpose=example"

snapshot: 2018-12-20 18:18:27.052009

hints: {}
iso8601: 2018-12-20 18:18:27.052009
plan_description: archive snapshot of ophyd Signals (usually EPICS PVs)
plan_name: snapshot
plan_type: generator
purpose: example
scan_id: 1
software_versions: {'python': '3.6.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 20 2017, 13:51:32) \n[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)]', 'PyEpics': '3.3.1', 'bluesky': '1.4.1', 'ophyd': '1.3.0', 'databroker': '0.11.3', 'APS_Bluesky_Tools': '0.0.37'}
time: 1545351507.0527153
uid: ab270806-0697-4056-ba44-80f7b462bedc

========================== ====== ================ ===================
timestamp                  source name             value
========================== ====== ================ ===================
2018-12-20 18:18:17.109931 PV     otz:IOC_CPU_LOAD 0.10009559468607492
2018-12-20 18:18:17.109927 PV     otz:SYS_CPU_LOAD 10.935451151721377
========================== ====== ================ ===================

exit_status: success
num_events: {'primary': 1}
run_start: ab270806-0697-4056-ba44-80f7b462bedc
time: 1545351507.0696447
uid: a0b5b4ff-d9a7-47ce-ace7-1bba818da77b

We have a second IOC (gov) that has the same PVs. Let’s get them, too.:

$ bluesky_snapshot {gov,otz}:{IOC,SYS}_CPU_LOAD -m "purpose=this is an example, example=example 2"

snapshot: 2018-12-20 18:21:53.371995

example: example 2
hints: {}
iso8601: 2018-12-20 18:21:53.371995
plan_description: archive snapshot of ophyd Signals (usually EPICS PVs)
plan_name: snapshot
plan_type: generator
purpose: this is an example
scan_id: 1
software_versions: {'python': '3.6.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 20 2017, 13:51:32) \n[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)]', 'PyEpics': '3.3.1', 'bluesky': '1.4.1', 'ophyd': '1.3.0', 'databroker': '0.11.3', 'APS_Bluesky_Tools': '0.0.37'}
time: 1545351713.3727024
uid: d5e15ba3-0393-4df3-8217-1b72d82b5cf9

========================== ====== ================ ===================
timestamp                  source name             value
========================== ====== ================ ===================
2018-12-20 18:21:45.488033 PV     gov:IOC_CPU_LOAD 0.22522293126578166
2018-12-20 18:21:45.488035 PV     gov:SYS_CPU_LOAD 10.335244804189122
2018-12-20 18:21:46.910976 PV     otz:IOC_CPU_LOAD 0.10009633509509736
2018-12-20 18:21:46.910973 PV     otz:SYS_CPU_LOAD 11.360899731293234
========================== ====== ================ ===================

exit_status: success
num_events: {'primary': 1}
run_start: d5e15ba3-0393-4df3-8217-1b72d82b5cf9
time: 1545351713.3957422
uid: e033cd99-dcac-4b56-848c-62eede1e4d77

You can log text and arrays, too.:

$ bluesky_snapshot {gov,otz}:{iso8601,HOSTNAME,{IOC,SYS}_CPU_LOAD} compress \
  -m "purpose=this is an example, example=example 2, look=can snapshot text and arrays too, note=no commas in metadata"

snapshot: 2018-12-20 18:28:28.825551

example: example 2
hints: {}
iso8601: 2018-12-20 18:28:28.825551
look: can snapshot text and arrays too
note: no commas in metadata
plan_description: archive snapshot of ophyd Signals (usually EPICS PVs)
plan_name: snapshot
plan_type: generator
purpose: this is an example
scan_id: 1
software_versions: {'python': '3.6.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 20 2017, 13:51:32) \n[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)]', 'PyEpics': '3.3.1', 'bluesky': '1.4.1', 'ophyd': '1.3.0', 'databroker': '0.11.3', 'APS_Bluesky_Tools': '0.0.37'}
time: 1545352108.8262713
uid: 7e77708e-9169-45ab-b2b6-4e31534d980a

========================== ====== ================ ===================
timestamp                  source name             value
========================== ====== ================ ===================
2018-12-20 18:24:34.220028 PV     compress         [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
2018-12-13 14:49:53.121188 PV     gov:HOSTNAME
2018-12-20 18:28:25.093941 PV     gov:IOC_CPU_LOAD 0.1501490058473918
2018-12-20 18:28:25.093943 PV     gov:SYS_CPU_LOAD 10.360270546421546
2018-12-20 18:28:28.817630 PV     gov:iso8601      2018-12-20T18:28:28
2018-12-13 14:49:53.135016 PV     otz:HOSTNAME
2018-12-20 18:28:26.525208 PV     otz:IOC_CPU_LOAD 0.10009727705620367
2018-12-20 18:28:26.525190 PV     otz:SYS_CPU_LOAD 12.937574161543873
2018-12-20 18:28:28.830285 PV     otz:iso8601      2018-12-20T18:28:28
========================== ====== ================ ===================

exit_status: success
num_events: {'primary': 1}
run_start: 7e77708e-9169-45ab-b2b6-4e31534d980a
time: 1545352108.8656788
uid: 0de0ec62-504e-4dbc-ad08-2507d4ed44f9

Source code documentation

record a snapshot of some PVs using Bluesky, ophyd, and databroker


(base) user@hostname .../pwd $ bluesky_snapshot -h
usage: bluesky_snapshot [-h] [-b BROKER_CONFIG] [-m METADATA]
                        EPICS_PV [EPICS_PV ...]

record a snapshot of some PVs using Bluesky, ophyd, and databroker

positional arguments:
  EPICS_PV          EPICS PV name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -b BROKER_CONFIG  YAML configuration for databroker
  -m METADATA       additional metadata, enclose in quotes, such as -m
                    "purpose=just tuned, situation=routine"

get command line arguments


given a list of PVs on the command line, snapshot and print report

EXAMPLES: pv1 [more pvs ...] `cat pvlist.txt`

Note that these are equivalent: rpi5bf5:0:humidity rpi5bf5:0:temperature rpi5bf5:0:{humidity,temperature}